Saturday, March 6, 2021

Equity / Investment Market and Life-plan of an Individual

The person you will be in next 5 years depends largely on:

1..The books you read today.

2..The habits you adopt today.

3..The people you spent time with today.

4..The conversation you engage in today.

5..Lastly the stocks / companies you invest today.

Vetern investor R K Damani once said; There are 2 types of people who take part in every country's bull run:-

1). The ones with the Money 

2). The ones with Tajurba (Experience)

~~~ When the Bull-run finally ends, the ones having the Tajurba get the Money, and the ones having the Money get the Tajurba.

  • The moment you get complacent and feel markets to be easy and feel to take some personal loans for investments, would be the moment when market would make you realize; what is it in actual and reality. Have seen it so many times over last 25 years, that it's clinched now. Newer folks beware as a learner....
  • "In my initial days, it took me quite a few years to realise that just 1-2 solid stock investment ideas a year is more than enough, only if we bet big, average up those winning ideas". With time, most things would fall in place.
  • Once you make money from Investing and Trading, it's hard to spend because you view the cash as opportunity to make more, not as a voucher to spend easy and forget.
  • Good companies look BORING initially, and when they take off they look like BOEING, never can be catched again.

Consider; March 2020 -Never forget the basics of investment approach.

Then....Consider; March 2021-Never forget the basics of investment approach.

Either it is Bull or Bear market, the receipe for SUCCESS remains the same. Dont get carried away in either cases.

Ideally, your portfolio should be like this:

- Equity to create Wealth 

- Gold for Ornaments 

- Insurance for Protection 

- Realestate for a Home. 

In reality, what most people do:

- Real Estate for Regular Income

- Insurance for Tax Saving

- Gold for creating Wealth and 

- Equities for Entertainment & Gambling

contributed by :
CA Yogesh Birla
Birla WP Management
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