Thursday, May 21, 2020

Digital Strategies for Emerging Indian Industries

Corona times taught many new aspects of doing business digitally. Its said that god has created good, in every bad event. Covid period shall be considered as adaptive time curve; wherein business owners tried to adopt digital operating and marketing strategies to work from home. Unlike mass marketing, which raise interest of local audience by means of radio spots, newspapers and other direct marketing tools; digital marketing allows companies to nurture a more personal relationship with their consumers from all over the world. With digital marketing, businesses can deliver contents to their customers through personalized and cost-effective communication. Birla WP Management team has prepared following decision matrix for clients to take decision on digital marketing strategies:

1. Track and Measure Data instantly gives your business a better idea of how your marketing campaign if faring. Using these tools, not only can you can make statistical assessment of your campaign, but also illustrate the progress of your marketing campaign in detailed graphics, which send running trend message to all management layers.

2. Impact Assessment shall be done on periodic basis by business owners to grow your traffic, leads, sales and conversions of enquiry to revenue / turnover. Without the ability to measure exact impact on targeted customers, you cannot alter or modify strengths of your products.

3. Quick and Convenient Service Tools to enhance product presence; wherein your digital presence shall start from showing product capabilities to end user and shall remain available till after sale service.

4. Lowest Cost Marketing is biggest benefit to be derived from digital marketing. Digitally it appeal directly to consumer and remain alive for longer duration than print media or other shout media. Cost of per impression or cost of per customer acquisition is lowest in digital media.

5. Demographic Targeting can be easily controlled in digital marketing; wherein you can restrict geographical area of your digital campaign and reduce cost. In facebook, insta, twitter, whatsapp, youtube media, many tools available to filter your customer targets, based on geography, habits, spending capacity, season, reach, fashion etc.

6. Data Bank creation for permanent use by industries and businesses. Transaction thru digital mode allow you to collect basic customer data to enhance sales and build brand goodwill on repetitive basis. Data is fuel to run digital marketing tools, wherein you can filter data and appeal harder to end consumer.

7. Instant Transaction Services is biggest advantage to reduce cost of working capital. Executing transactions is easy and instant on digital payment services, since no need to handle physical cash or time taking bank clearing floats etc. A single click can fetch you fund flow and inventory management.

8. Ability to Multitask is another big advantage of digital marketing. Making faq and viral them digitally may save precious time of your marketing team. At the same time data generated from past purchases, can be used for generating new sales. Data of one product and type of customer can be used to sale another product with same set of customers. All these digital campaigns are matter of a single click, without the risk of diminished satisfaction.

Selection of proper digital marketing strategy is continuous cost-benefit analysis by your business advisors; wherein it can reduce cost of interest, better use of working capital, generate more sales with same infrastructure, reduce inventories, reduce payment float etc. Author of the article may be contacted for expert advise, with deep rooted matrix assessment. Be digitally digital world is waiting for your business to roll smoother and be front runner for value creation.

Written by :
CA Yogesh Birla
Birla WP Management
visit us at :

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  1. बहुत बढ़िया लेख लिखा है आपने बहुत बधाई
